Hounslow Festival of Music, Speech and Dance

        Registered Charity no: 1035333
      Affiliated to The British and International Federation of Festivals



Would you like to become a Supporter of Hounslow Festival of Music, Speech & Dance ? For a small donation to support the work of the Festival your name will be printed on our syllabus, programme and website.

Note that audience members pay to attend each session at the door. A session is usually a morning, afternoon or evening.

Any amount can be donated to the Festival, but we ask for a minimum donation of £20.00 to become a Festival Supporter.

Please visit our 'Contact Us' page or click on the link below to send us an email:

Email Hounslow Festival

  • **Note that as the Festival is a Charity run by volunteers, messages are only read periodically**
  • updated 17/06/23